Tammy, hailing from Iowa, embarked on a life voyage that took her to different corners of the country, including a stint in Germany, before eventually settling in Tempe, Arizona, with her husband, John, in March 2014. Eventually, her father and children also relocated to join her and John in Arizona. Tragically, Tammy faced a profound loss with the passing of her youngest son, Joshua, in a car accident in September 2014, a pivotal event that shaped her current path.
Relying on her deep spiritual convictions, Tammy found the strength to navigate through this distressing time, propelling her towards fulfilling her life's calling. Today, she draws upon her life experiences and personal growth to extend support to others as they navigate their own journeys through grief, finding purpose amidst sorrow and reclaiming resilience and joy in their lives.
An inherent characteristic of Tammy is her thirst for knowledge, evident in her numerous certifications in holistic healing practices. Throughout her odyssey, Tammy has been guided by a diverse array of teachers and mentors, with individuals such as Radleigh Valentine, Marci Cagen, Kyle Gray, Courtney Long, and Cynthia Zimmerman standing out as particularly influential figures in her life. Details of her professional certifications are located at the bottom of this page.
Reiki Master (Usui Lineage), RMT, Phoenix Community College
Crystal Reiki Master, CRM, Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy
Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher, Lisa Powers
Certified Crystal Healer, CCH, Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy
Certified Energy Guide, Kyle Gray
Sacred Stone Grids Practitioner, SGP, Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy
Mind, Body, Wellness Practitioner Degree from Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA), 2018 with modalities in: Holistic Nutrition Specialist Certificate, Life Coach Certificate, & Intuitive Angel Guidance Certificate
Associates Degree, Mesa Community College, 2019
Fast Like a Girl Certification, Dr. Mindy Pelz/Hay House
Certified Angel Card Reader, CACR, Radleigh Valentine
Certified Angel Advisor, CAA, Radleigh Valentine
Certified Angel Numerologist, Radleigh Valentine
Certified Angels & Auras Reader, Radleigh Valentine and Dougal Fraser
Archangel Activation Facilitator, Courtney Long
Certified Angel Card Mastery and Advanced Angel Card Mastery, Kyle Gray
Certified Angel Guide, Kyle Gray
Soul Coaching Oracle Card Reader, Denise Linn
Aromatherapy Courses, Mesa Community College & Aromahead Institute
Essential Oil Specialist, DoTerra
AromaTouch Technique, DoTerra
Herbal Studies Certificates, SW Herbs